Terminal Oil Estonian Rallycross Championship 2022
- 30 April – Elva, Kulbilohu
- 21 May – LaitseRallyPark, Harjumaa, Finland
- 18 June – Misso Võrumaa
- July 2 – Piiroja, Jõgevamaa, Estonia
- 30 July – Kehala Ring, Lääne-Virumaa, Estonia
- 1 October – Porsche Ring, Pärnumaa, Estonia
19.-20. August – 3rd round of the NEZ Cross-Country Karting Championships
15.- 16. October Tarvastu Cup 5. Step 1, Guide
Bulletin No 1
Registration for the competition
South-Estonian Cup points table
See here: KrossREG
Supercross is a part of rallycross, which is raced on ice, gravel and asphalt. Supercross is a man-to-man race and is a great breeding ground for young racers, as it incorporates elements of almost all motorsport disciplines and does not require a huge investment to get started.
Many of today’s top motorsport drivers started their careers in the Supercross Cup series, perhaps most famously with Estonian Rally Champion Egon Kaur.
Find out more about supercross at www.superkross.ee
Many have heard the expression “field rally” or “village rally”. The expression is most often associated with driving on fields or forest roads with scrap found in the garden. Today, that image is a thing of the past, the races are run to a high standard, are conducted safely and the racing is exciting and engaging. The recession left its mark, but in 2012. Since 2007, this sub-genre of cross-country skiing has seen a resurgence. Folkcross has been created as a low-cost, first-start rallycross venue. The cost of competing is low compared to taking part in a championship, but the conditions for the cars and safety equipment are still defined to ensure the safety of the competitors. However, there is a legal opportunity to take part in joint starts and experience the magic of rallycross. You can decide if you have what it takes to take up this sport without spending too much money, and national rally is the first step to moving to the next level, where you can already compete in the Supercross Cup and why not the Estonian Rallycross Championship.
The competitions are mostly held on smaller fields. For tracks, care should be taken to ensure that the average speed developed on the track does not exceed 50 km/h, and there are some other conditions. For more information, see the link below, which describes the general principles of organising a people’s race.
The general security conditions for cars are set out in the link: Technical conditions for the cars in the People’s Tour. These conditions are basic conditions, each organiser may add additional conditions if necessary.
In order to take part in the races, the competitor must have at least a national cross-country rider card. You can get it from EAL and in 2019. The cost of the card in 2007 is €40. Information on how to apply for a competitor card can be found here: http://autosport.ee/voistlejakaardi-taotlemine
The format of the national cross-country races is at the discretion of each organiser.
The best-known national cross-country series are the Village Cross, Tarvastu National Cross and the Supercross series, which also includes a national cross-country class.
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Mati Kask
- Chairman of the rallycross committee
- kaskmati@gmail.com
- +372 527 7978
Janno Ligur
- Member of the rallycross committee
- jannoligur@gmail.com
- +372 5360 0322
Raul Orav
- Member of the rallycross committee
- oravraul@gmail.com
- +372 5625 6801
Sven Oder
- Member of the rallycross committee
- oder.swen@gmail.com
- +372 5667 8194
Merike Kask
- Member of the rallycross committee
- merikekask@gmail.com
- +372 526 1420
Thomas Sepp
- Member of the rallycross committee
- toomas@tesman.ee
- +372 5556 9869